Social Studies Program


“To be the best program in social studies field, stress morality and ethics, preserve Thai identity, actively develop professional
teachers and participate in knowledge building for the community.”

The Social Study Course has been provided for more than 40 years. The curriculum has been continuously updated with the significance on academic services and the production of graduates
for the teaching profession. The classroom management is mainly focused on the students with the application of modern teaching media and technology, and expert instructors.

This is in response to the needs of social studies graduates. Impressively, graduates are eligible to attain an employment after graduation. ation research are provided for all courses.

Thai Program


The Thai Program produces teacher graduates of high quality and morality as stated in its philosophy: to preserve language and sustain faith in the teaching profession. Bachelor of Arts in Thai for Communication is also provided. Graduates are expected to have excellence in Thai language with moral and ethical values and can successfully apply the knowledge to their professions.
Art Program


The Art Program intends to be the finest in visual communication design and digital art – artwork, graphic, packaging, advertising, animation, characters, websites and short films. The design process highly values analytical and critical thinking as well as the quality of production. The learning management and activities have been guaranteed by Key Performance Indicators
(KPI) and has long-term reputation locally and domestically, which is the important competence of the Art Program.
Public Administration Program


The Public Administration Program places emphasis on the quality of teaching and learning management with qualified instructors who graduated from top universities in Thailand and foreign countries. The graduate can obtain a position in government and private sectors as an assistant district chief officer, a police officer, a soldier, a bank officer and an officer of government sectors, state enterprises, private sectors and local public administration. The number of graduates who have passed the examination for government officers is remarkable, more than 40 within a year.
Tourism Industry Program The strength of the Tourism Industry Program is its academic, services and practices which have been highly accepted by relevant organizations. Our curriculum has been implemented for more than 20 years. With high work opportunity and the need for workforce in tourism, hotel and airlines business, the Tourism Industry Program is one of educational organisations which has proficiency to produce quality graduates for the industry.
Law Program The prominent features of Law Program are the professional instructors who are expert in the legal field, standard textbooks, well-selected educational media and modern information system. The program mainly focuses on the preparation of graduates for further studying in higher level as well as entering legal professions, i.e. judges, public prosecutors, police officers, legal officers, lawyers, legal advisors, and so on. To reinforce learning, fully-equipped classroom, library and outdoor activities are provided together with shady surrounding.
Library and Information Science Program

The objective of the Library and Information Science program is to produce graduates who are deeply concerned in moral and ethical values, as well as having good conscience and responsibility to themselves, their profession and society. The students are expected to gain knowledge in the science including its relevance; to manage and use information and communication technology for their profession or higher education and to apply systematical thinking, along with critical and analytical thinking for problem solving. They should be efficient in researching for the development of themselves, their profession and society. Furthermore, the qualified graduates are expected to be enthusiastic, diligent, self-disciplined and sociable with effective communication.

Chinese Program The Chinese Program primarily focuses on the excellence of students in Chinese language and culture; and the development of four communication skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) together with the learning of mentality, traditions and background of Chinese and the People’s Republic of China. The instructors – Thai and Chinese native speakers – are expert in Chinese language teaching. To encourage communication skills and lifelong learning experience of students, the program provides a wide range of activities both inside and outside the university including Thai and Chinese student exchange programs.
Music Program

The Music Program’s objective is to produce graduates who are excellent in the field and can work as music teachers, expert musicians, producers or band managers.

The program plays a significant role in providing academic services to communities both locally and domestically. With proficient instructors and the integration of theories and practices of teaching process, the Music Program is prepared to enhance students’ potential for success.

Community Development Program


The program’s objective is to develop graduates to be community developers who have high quality and greatly concerned with moral and ethical values. The graduates are encouraged to love their local and serve the community after graduation; have high morality and ethics; and be trustworthy to their profession, society and nation. They are expected to be local practitioners who have skill and knowledge in community development in accordance with government policy and community contexts; and they should have the ability of writing a project to develop their local and work effectively on it. In addition, graduates should be knowledgeable and training managers to enhance people’s qualification and create learning process in the community. Furthermore, they should be researchers who study for effective knowledge management in the community.
Thai for Communication Program Graduates of Bachelor of Arts in Thai for
Communication are expected to have excellence
in using Thai language for communication both in
business contexts and daily life. They also have technology
expertise and ability to select technology resource.
English Program (B.Ed.) English Education aims to produce teacher graduates
who are proficient in English language skills for
working effectively in their career. The graduates can
be employed in government and private sectors – local
and international. The learning is managed by expert
and experienced instructors both Thai, foreign and
native speakers along modern teaching media and
comfortable learning atmosphere. To facilitate learning
in information age, information research and retrieval
are also provided.
English Program (B.A.) The Bachelor of Arts in English focuses on producing graduates with excellent English
language competency and high moral and ethical standards who can work
successfully in government and private sectors - local, national and international - as
well as in the ASEAN community. The expertise and experienced instructors - Thai
and native speakers - are provided with modern teaching
media and comfortable learning atmosphere. Additionally,
the graduates are equipped with information research and
retrieval skills, integration of knowledge and local wisdom
for development of themselves and community, including
continuing education requirements.
Business English Program To respond to labor market needs “intelligent, virtuous and being employed,”
Business English graduates are expected to have confidence, responsibility and leadership,
and love and preserve Thainess. They are excellent in using English for communication
and in business contexts. Graduates can be employed as a secretary, a foreign relations
officer, a receptionist, a customer service officer, as well as an employee in tourism and
airlines business.
Visual Communication Design Program Visual Communication Design Program intends to be
the finest in visual communication design - artwork,
graphic, packaging, and advertising. The design process
highly values analytical and critical thinking as well as
the quality of production. The learning management
and activities have been guaranteed by Key Performance
Indicators (KPI) and has long - term reputation locally
and domestically.
Digital Art Design Program Digital Art Design Program focuses on the excellence of
animation production - illustration, animation, movie
and video production, online media design, photography
for digital art design, advertising, website design and
short film. The curriculum emphasizes the process of
analytical and critical thinking as well as the quality of
production. The activity based learning is managed with
complete and modern equipment and technology.