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[April 2022] Congratulations for 4 Ph.D. students  in GlassLab@NPRU to get excellence Ph.D. scholarships from National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT).

Ms. Fueangfa Khrongchaiyaphum , Ph.D. student in Physics from GlassLab@NPRU. She got Ph.D. scholarship from 24th Royal Golden Jubilee project (RGJ) Ph.D. program from NRCT. (Advisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr.Jakrapong Kaewkhao). Her research is "Development of glass scintillator from Ln3+ doped borophosphate glass matrix". She is 4th student from our group to get this excellence scholarship. 

Mr. Nakarin Singkiburin, Ph.D. student in Physics  from GlassLab@NPRU. He got Ph.D. scholarship from Researh and Researcher for Industries project  (RRi) Ph.D. program from NRCT. (Advisor: Asscoc.Prof.Dr.Nttapon Srisittipokakun). His research is "Multi-color glass development for ornament product". He is 7th student from our group to get this excellence scholarship. 

Mr. Peerapong Yamchumporn, Ph.D. student in Physics from GlassLab@NPRU. He got Ph.D. scholarship from Researh and Researcher for Industries project (RRi) Ph.D. program from NRCT. (Advisor: Asst.Prof.Dr.Kitipun Boonin). His research is "Reuse of heat waste from glass furnace by Thermoelectric material". He is 6th student from our group to get this excellence scholarship. 

Ms. Naowarat Jarucha, Ph.D. student in Physics from GlassLab@NPRU. She got Ph.D. scholarship from Researh and Researcher for Industries project  (RRi) Ph.D. program from NRCT. (Advisor: Asst.Prof.Dr.Yotsakit Ruangtaweep). Her research is "Glass doped with Ln3+ ions for calibation material in spectrometer". He is 5th student from our group to get this excellence scholarship. 


[June 2021] Congratulations for Ph.D. student in GlassLab@NPRU to get excellence scholarship from National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT).

Ms. Nuchjaree Kiwsakunkarn, Ph.D. student in Physics from GlassLab@NPRU. She got Ph.D. scholarship from 23th Royal Golden Jubilee project (RGJ) Ph.D. program from NRCT. (Advisor: Asst.Prof.Dr.Natthakridta Chanthima). Her research is "Identification of Ln3+ doped glass by synchrotron facility". She is 3rd student from our group to get this excellence scholarship. 

Mr. Supakit Yonphan, Ph.D. student in Physics from GlassLab@NPRU. He got Ph.D. scholarship from Researh and Researcher for Industries project (RRi) Ph.D. program from NRCT. (Advisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr.Jakrapong Kaewkhao).His research is "Flexible radiation shielding materials from natural rubber". He is 5th student from our group to get this excellence scholarship. 

Ms. Pornapha Muangthong, Ph.D. student in Physics from GlassLab@NPRU. She got Ph.D. scholarship from Researh and Researcher for Industries project  (RRi) Ph.D. program from NRCT. (Advisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr.Nttapon Srisittipokakun). Her research is "Development of color glass from nanoparticlesm for ornament product". He is 4th student from our group to get this excellence scholarship. 


[25 March 2018] Congratulation

Ms. Benjaporn Damdee , Ph.D. student from GlassLab@NPRU. She got Ph.D. scholarship from 20th Royal Golden Jubilee (RGJ) Ph.D. program, Thailand Research Fund (TRF). Her superviser is Assoc.Prof.Dr.Jakrapong Kaewkhao. Her research is "Low phonon energy glass deopd with Ln3+ for solid state lighting material application". She is 2nd student from our group to get this scholarship. 


[6 Febuary 2018] Congratulations for 2 Ph.D. student received excellence Ph.D. scholarships from Thailand Research Fund (TRF).

2 Ph.D. students from GlassLab@NPRU received 2 Ph.D. scholarships under Researcher for Industry (RRI), Thailand Research Fund (TRF) in 2017
[1] Mr.Wasu Cheewasukhanont. His research is "Development of Pb-free high transparency radiation shielding window for nuclear application". He is 3rd student from our group to get this excellence scholarship. 
[2] Mr. Yaowaluk Tariwong. Her research is "Novel gemstone identification by X-rays induced luminescence technique". She is 2nd student from our group to get this excellence scholarship. 


[1 December 2017] 

Welcome new postdocoral fellowship position  GlassLab@NPRU member. 

Welcome to GlassLab@NPRU, Dr.RAJANAVANEETHAKRISHNA RAJA RAMAKRISHNA  form India. He come to our team for stronger research about Ln3+ doped glass for photonics application. Dr. Raja is a good background for Ln3+ doped glass and their characterization. 

Welcome to Thailand Raja!! We will share knowledge and publish many papers together!! 

[26 June 2017] 
We offer a 1-years research contract to perform a postdoc project at the Center of Excellence in Glass Technology and Materials Science (CEGM), Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. This position is open to applicants from all around the world. CEGM is an institute devoted to fundamental research and advance technology in glass materials. The candidate should have a good command over the English language.

List of Subjects: PostDoc project: Oxyfluoride glass doped with lanthanide 3+ ions for photonic material applications and related topics.

Scholarship Award: The budget for position will be 378,000 THB/year.

Eligibility: The CEGM is looking for a young motivated candidate meeting ALL the following requirements: (1) Strong background in material physics, especially in glass. (2) PhD degree in Physics or related feilds. (3) High expertise in Ln3+ doped glass preparation and their characterizations. (4) High expertise in Judd-Ofelt analysis and related software. (4) Good English communication skills. (5) Published at least 10 international papers and H-index at least = 3 in Scopus database. (6) Nationality: Applicants from all around the world can apply.

Test Requirement: None English Language Requirement: No certificate needed, though good oral and written level are expected. Supporting Material: Please send CV before 10 July 2017 to email: 

More information, please contact
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Jakrapong Kaewkhao
Center of Excellence in Glass Technology and Materials Science (CEGM), Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
Email: Website:

[more detail, please see in this link]