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In 2016, the public relations unit has developed a model of public relations using multimedia media, more social media.

The public relations department has a technology management system and efficient personnel and professionals in public relations. The public relations department is the main agency that has been trusted as a collection center Store and disseminate information of the institute. Enhancing knowledge Correct understanding and good relations between personnel, internal departments And outside the university. Focusing on promoting internal and external cooperation for the benefit of the institution, Local development and society as a whole


Into the era of globalization develop information ,especial emphasis on public relations Aim to create understanding.


1.Set the policy framework, objectives and public relations plans of Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University.

2.The public relations department is the center of public relations news movement of Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University through internal and external public relations media.

3.The public relations department is the main unit of knowledge creation to correct understanding and good relationships both internal and external the university.

4.The public relations department is the main unit for coordinating internal and external institutions to improve the operational efficiency of the university And local development.

5.The public relations department is a unit that responsible for enhancing the image of the university.

6.The public relations department is an agency that responsible for exploring the current referendum of the people for both internal and external institutions.

7.The public relations department is the center of gathering, create and publish university information systems.

8.The public relations department is providing consulting on public relations operations for both internal and external institutions

9.The public relations department is promote and develop public relations management system of Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University.


Smile, Attention, Willing to service