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Multi wavelength Abbe refractometer
(Refractive Index measurement from 1.3-1.7)
Density measurement kit
(A&D HR-200)
(4 digit Microbalance with density kit)
UV-VIS spectrophotometer   
(A and %T measurements in the range of 200-1100 nm with CIE L*a*b*color coordinate software) 
UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer
(Shimazdu UV-3600)
(A, %T, %R measurements in the range of 200 - 3300 nm)

8 Electrical glass melting furnaces with oxidation, reduction and gas flow system

(Several models)

(Design for glass meting applicaiton)

Micro hardness vicker’s  and Mohr's scale hardness tester
(Enkay enterprises)
(Micro hardness measurement)
Ultrasonic flaw spectroscopy 
(Velocity and amplitude measurements of ultrasonic wave in material)
X-rays fluorescence spectrometer (XRF)
(Minipal-4, Panalytical)
(Composition analysis of material)
X-Rays diffractometer (XRD)
(Shimazdu XRD-6100)
(Structural analysis of material / powder sample)
Gamma-rays spectrometer with Nuclear Instrument Module (NIM)
(With Compton scattering setup, Canberra)
(Gamma-rays energy and intensity measurements, include spectroscopy)
Sputtering coating unit (RF)
(Home made)
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) 
(Agilent Cary FTIR-630)
(Structural analysis / Chemical bonding identification
from 650 cm-1 - 4000 cm-1)
Fluorescence Spectrophotometer 
(Photoluminescence measurement of material in visible region
from 200 - 900 nm)
X-Rays Induced Optical Luminescence (Raidolumenescence)
(Inel x-ray generator with 2 kW Cu-anode)
(Spectrum deteced by fiber optics spectrometer, QE65000 Ocean Optics)
(Radioluminescence measurement of material in visible region
from 200 - 900 nm)
NIR Luminescence Spectrometer with Decay Time measurement
(PTI, Quantum Master-300)
(Photoluminescence measurement of material upto NIR region, 
from 500 - 1700 nm)
Fluorescence Spectrophotometer
(Hitachi F-4600)
(Photoluminescence measurement of material in visible region 
from 200 - 900 nm)
Fluorescence Life Time System
(Horiba DeltaPro)
(Ultra fast decay time measurement of emission material in visible region, from picosecond (10-15) - microsecond (10-6)

Planetary Ball Milling



Hydraulic Press
(Extra Mactech)



Gas/Electric Welder



Mill Drill (X2L)



Lathe Machine (C2)


Electroluminescence Spectrometer

(Ocean Optics QE65 Pro)


