The Center of Excellence in Glass Teachnology and Materials Sciences (CEGM) is a specialize research center in Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University (NPRU), Thailand, has been established in 2007 at NPRU. CEGM is a consortium between a group of academicians from Physicists and Chemists at NPRU, founded on 3 research groups: (i) Industrial based research group (ii) Luminescence glass research group (iii) Nuclear and radiation physics research group. We have 13 Ph.D. academic staffs, 2 postdoctoral fellow, 19 Ph.D students and 4 M.Sc. students in our group. More detail in our group please visit "Acedemic staff" / "Postdoctoral fellowship" / "Graduate student for Ph.D." and "Graduate student for M.Sc." page
Here it is our research team. All kind of glasses we known!
CEGM research facilities consist of severals excellence scientific research instruments. To sure that our researcher, student and collaborator will enjoy research with high quality instrument and service. More in formation about our instrument, please visit "Instrument" page.
For graduate student, please see detail for M.Sc. (Physics) and Ph.D. (Physics) program in NPRU. We have several scholarship support to student, for example, The Royal Golden Jubilee (RGJ) and The Research and Researcher for Industries (RRI). Both of scholarship is supported by Thailand Research Fund (TRF). We also have fundong support for postdocotral fellowship position (PDF). Publiction is ISI database, please click